
WERA recognizes contributions to educational research with five awards. Members are encouraged to make nominations for the awards. Self-nominations are discouraged. The deadline to submit award nominations is October 31, 2024. 

Gordon B. Ensign Award:  (Click to access the nomination form)

This award is presented to a person or institution that has demonstrated and exemplified outstanding contributions to the education of students in Washington State in keeping with WERA’s mission. This award does not require that the recipient be or have been a member of WERA.

Art Maser Service Award:  (Click to access the nomination form)

This award is presented to a WERA member (or institution, education service association or organization) who has demonstrated and exemplified outstanding service to WERA and who has made a significant contribution to the field of educational research.

For the above two awards, send an email with the name and address of nominee, along with a complete description of the individual's contributions to Paul Stern, WERA Executive Secretary, at [email protected].
Deadline: October 31, 2024.

WERA Research Award:  (Click to access the nomination form)

This award is given to an individual, group, association, or agency. Recipient need not be a WERA member.

Criteria: Outstanding educational research. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • instructional research
  • program evaluation
  • intervention research
  • research on or for special populations
  • assessment research
  • educational policy research
  • school climate research
  • parent/community needs assessments

Research should have state-wide application in terms of results, methodology or analyses. Research should have long-term value.

WERA Product Award:  (Click to access the nomination form)

This award recognizes outstanding professional products related to:

  • testing
  • assessment
  • program evaluation
  • policy research
  • instructional research
  • school or district profiles
  • instructional evaluation
  • test or evaluation reporting


  • Product must be of high technical quality.
  • Product must be original work.
  • Product must effectively communicate to a wide audience.
  • Product must have state-wide value.
  • Product must have long-term value.

For the above two awards, provide name and address of nominee, a description of the project or product that serves as the basis for the nomination, and the reason you are making the nomination. Please explain the significance of the contribution made by the nominee. For the product award, please include access to the product and documentation. 

Email nomination materials to Paul Stern, WERA Executive Secretary, at [email protected].
Deadline: October 31, 2024.

WERA Distinguished Paper Award:  (Click to access the nomination form)

This award promotes and recognizes important educational research taking place in Washington. The winner is invited to present the paper at the AERA National Meeting, April 23-27, 2025.  Please go to this link to learn how to submit a nomination so this outstanding work can be recognized.

WERA Outstanding Dissertation Award:  (Click to access the nomination form)

This award recognizes exemplary dissertation research by a doctoral student related to improving K-12 or higher education. The winner receives a complimentary registration to the WERA/OSPI Annual Conference and a one-year WERA membership, along with recognition at the Annual conference.

Candidates for this award must have successfully defended their dissertation and been awarded a doctorate degree by an accredited Washington state institution in the calendar year in which the application is due. Additional details about submitting a nomination are available here.